Tinnitus Therapy.

Simple and soothing.

Developed in collaboration with experts in technology, design, and tinnitus research, the ForgTin® ear loops are a multi-award-winning medical product for tinnitus therapy.

The ForgTin® ear hooks are worn during the day and provide gentle stimulation to specific therapeutic areas around the ear, leading to a reduction of tinnitus in the brain.

After about 15 minutes of wearing, the ForgTin® ear hooks become unnoticeable – just as it should be.

A simple, safe, and reliable therapy for people with tinnitus.

ForgTin-Ohrbügel zur Tinnitusbehandlung und -therapie

 Learn more about the development of ForgTin®.

 The three effective zones around the ear.

 Positive effects of ForgTin®.

Tinnitus Therapy.

Simple and soothing.

Developed in collaboration with experts in technology, design, and tinnitus research, the ForgTin® ear loops are a multi-award-winning medical product for tinnitus therapy.

The ForgTin® ear hooks are worn during the day and provide gentle stimulation to specific therapeutic areas around the ear, leading to a reduction of tinnitus in the brain.

After about 15 minutes of wearing, the ForgTin® ear hooks become unnoticeable – just as it should be.

A simple, safe, and reliable therapy for people with tinnitus.

 Learn more about the development of ForgTin®.

 The three effective zones around the ear.

 Positive effects of ForgTin®.

ForgTin Ohrbügel zur Tinnitusbehandlung und -therapie
ForgTin Träger ganz entspannt

Relieve Tinnitus

The ForgTin® ear loops have been shown to lead to a long-term reduction of tinnitus, up to the complete disappearance of tinnitus.

No Side Effects

When used correctly, the ForgTin® ear loops have no side effects. They are also suitable for sensitive ears.


  • non-invasive
  • easy to put on
  • comfortable to wear
  • compatible with glasses and hearing aids

Personal Expert Consultation

We offer personal, empathetic, and highly professional advice and support. We listen and find the best possible solution.

ForgTin träger zufrieden und entspannt

Relieve Tinnitus

The ForgTin® ear loops have been shown to lead to a long-term reduction of tinnitus, up to the complete disappearance of tinnitus.

No Side Effects

When used correctly, the ForgTin® ear loops have no side effects. They are also suitable for sensitive ears.


  • non-invasive
  • easy to put on
  • comfortable to wear
  • compatible with glasses and hearing aids

Personal Expert Consultation

We offer personal, empathetic, and highly professional advice and support. We listen and find the best possible solution.



ForgTin® ear loops for the treatment and therapy of tinnitus.

ForgTin® ear loops for the treatment and therapy of tinnitus.

Rethinking Tinnitus Treatment. 

ForgTin® works through gentle stimulation – similar to acupressure – on specific areas around the ear:

  1. Muskulus Auricularis Superior
  2. Musculus Auricularis Posterior
  3. Impulsbereich Parasympathikus

By altering the misfiring signals that travel along the nervous system to the brainstem, tinnitus can be sustainably reduced and even completely "forgotten".

Hence the name ForgTin® for "forget tinnitus".

ForgTin Wirkungsbereiche rund um das Ohr

 Positive effects of ForgTin®.

 Experiences shared by ForgTin® users.

 ForgTin® study results.

Rethinking Tinnitus Treatment.

ForgTin® works through gentle stimulation – similar to acupressure – on specific areas around the ear:

  1. Muskulus Auricularis Superior
  2. Musculus Auricularis Posterior
  3. Parasympathetic Impulse Area

By altering the misfiring signals that travel along the nervous system to the brainstem, tinnitus can be sustainably reduced and even completely "forgotten".

Hence the name ForgTin® for "forget tinnitus".

 Positive effects of ForgTin®.

 Experiences shared by ForgTin® users.

 ForgTin® study results.

ForgTin Wirkungsbereich rund um das Ohr


Positive Effects of ForgTin®

Positive Effects of ForgTin®

Frau mit Nackenverspannungen

Relieving Neck Tension

For around 50% of tinnitus sufferers, neck tension can trigger tinnitus.

ForgTin® can relieve this tension by stimulating the Musculus Auricularis Posterior, sustainably reducing tinnitus.

Mann mit Kieferverspannungen

Relieving Jaw Tension

For around 30% of tinnitus sufferers, jaw tension can trigger tinnitus.

ForgTin® can relieve this tension by stimulating the Musculus Auricularis Superior, sustainably reducing tinnitus.

Frau erschöpft von Stress

Reducing Stress and Strain

Stress and emotional strain from work or personal life can trigger or worsen tinnitus in many sufferers.

ForgTin® can reduce stress by stimulating the parasympathetic impulse area, sustainably relieving tinnitus.

Frau mit Nackenverspannungen

Relieving Neck Tension

For around 50% of tinnitus sufferers, neck tension can trigger tinnitus.

ForgTin® can relieve this tension by stimulating the Musculus Auricularis Posterior, sustainably reducing tinnitus.

Mann mit Kieferverspannungen

Relieving Jaw Tension

For around 30% of tinnitus sufferers, jaw tension can trigger tinnitus.

ForgTin® can relieve this tension by stimulating the Musculus Auricularis Superior, sustainably reducing tinnitus.

Frau erschöpft durch Stress und Belastung

Reducing Stress and Strain

Stress and emotional strain from work or personal life can trigger or worsen tinnitus in many sufferers.

ForgTin® can reduce stress by stimulating the parasympathetic impulse area, sustainably relieving tinnitus. 

Frau mit verbesserte Schlafqualität

Improved Sleep Quality

Users report an improvement in sleep quality.

With ForgTin® therapy, it is easier to fall asleep and stay asleep.

Frau mit Migräne

Reduction in Migraines

Users report a reduction in migraine frequency and intensity since beginning treatment with ForgTin®.

Mann mit erhöhtem Wohlbefinden

Improved Well-being

Users report a general increase in well-being from wearing the ForgTin® ear loops.

Frau mit verbessertem Schlaf

Improved Sleep Quality

Users report an improvement in sleep quality.

With ForgTin® therapy, it is easier to fall asleep and stay asleep.

Frau mit Migräne

Reduction in Migraines

Users report a reduction in migraine frequency and intensity since beginning treatment with ForgTin®.

Mann mit erhöhtem Wohlbefinden

Improved Well-being

Users report a general increase in well-being from wearing the ForgTin® ear loops.

Awards and prizes

pansatori stellt ForgTin im Technischen Museum Wien aus
pansatori nimmt an Startup Worldcup teil
pansatori gewinnt Edison Erfinderpreis
pansatori gewinnt OÖ Landespreis für Innovation

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